
Gustav Andersson

Senior Developer

Elk Audio

About Me

Musician, photographer, coder, runner. In the space between technology and art. Audio Dev based in Stockholm with a passion for everything that makes sounds. Currently into gritty 80/90s reverb and feedback loops.


  • Reinventing the Plugin Editor

    Immediate Mode GUIs for Audio Plugins
    09:00 - 09:50 UTC | Tuesday 12th November 2024 | Bristol 3

    Introduction What happens when you want to build a plugin but you suffer from not-invented-here syndrome and you like things that are minimalistic and self-contained? Traditional plugin GUIs like JUCE and VSTGUI, are mature, powerful and give the user a lot for free. On the flipside, they also tend to be heavyweight, have many dependencies, and using them often result in a lot of boilerplate code and state synchronisation issues. Some years ago I discovered that there was a whole class of minimalistic GUI libraries (Nuklear, Dear ImGui, NanoVG/NanoGUI, etc) originating from the game dev world that were vector based, […]