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Introducing ni-midi2

A Modern C++ Library Implementing MIDI2 UMP 1.1 and MIDI CI 1.2

14:00 - 14:50 UTC | Tuesday 12th November 2024 | Bristol 1

MIDI 2.0 implementations arrived in recent macOS and Linux versions, and Windows MIDI 2.0 support is expected to arrive end of 2024.

ni-midi2 is a modern C++ library implementing MIDI2 UMP 1.1 and MIDI-CI 1.2. The platform-independent library allows you to easily migrate your code to support MIDI 2, while maintaining compatibility to the traditional MIDI 1 protocol.

The talk will cover basic concepts of the library and real-world examples of how it helps you to achieve protocol-agnostic MIDI 2 support in your codebase.

Franz Detro

Principal Engineer

Native Instruments

C++ developer and Audio/MIDI system architect covering a wide range of technologies, including firmware, USB, MIDI, middleware and Plugin frameworks.

Member of the MIDI Association Technical Standards Board and contributor to MIDI 2.0 and USB Audio/MIDI Device Class specifications.

Co-founder of midi2.dev - a collaboration platform for MIDI 2.0 developer resources.